Command Line Flags in ActionScript

ActionScript doesn’t have built-in command-line flag parsing like Go’s flag package. However, we can implement a simple command-line argument parser to demonstrate a similar concept. Here’s an example of how you might implement command-line flags in ActionScript:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.system.System;

    public class CommandLineFlags extends Sprite {
        private var wordValue:String = "foo";
        private var numbValue:int = 42;
        private var forkValue:Boolean = false;
        private var svarValue:String = "bar";

        public function CommandLineFlags() {

        private function parseArguments():void {
            var args:Array = System.argv;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                var arg:String = args[i];
                if (arg.indexOf("--word=") == 0) {
                    wordValue = arg.split("=")[1];
                } else if (arg.indexOf("--numb=") == 0) {
                    numbValue = int(arg.split("=")[1]);
                } else if (arg == "--fork") {
                    forkValue = true;
                } else if (arg.indexOf("--svar=") == 0) {
                    svarValue = arg.split("=")[1];

        private function printValues():void {
            trace("word:", wordValue);
            trace("numb:", numbValue);
            trace("fork:", forkValue);
            trace("svar:", svarValue);
            trace("tail:", System.argv.slice(4));

To use this program, you would compile it into a SWF file and run it using the Flash Player debugger or AIR runtime, passing command-line arguments.

For example:

$ adl application.xml -- --word=opt --numb=7 --fork --svar=flag
word: opt
numb: 7
fork: true
svar: flag
tail: []

Note that ActionScript doesn’t have a built-in way to generate help text or handle unknown flags automatically. You would need to implement these features manually if needed.

Also, keep in mind that running ActionScript applications with command-line arguments typically requires using the AIR runtime or Flash Player debugger, as standard web browsers don’t provide access to command-line arguments for security reasons.

This example demonstrates a basic approach to handling command-line style arguments in ActionScript, but it doesn’t provide the full flexibility and robustness of Go’s flag package. In real-world ActionScript applications, especially those targeting the web, you would typically use other methods for configuration, such as external configuration files or URL parameters.