File Paths in ActionScript

In ActionScript, file path operations are handled differently compared to some other languages. While there’s no direct equivalent to the filepath package, we can use the File class from the flash.filesystem package to work with file paths. Here’s how we can perform similar operations:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filesystem.File;

    public class FilePaths extends Sprite {
        public function FilePaths() {
            // Join paths
            var p:String = File.separator + "dir1" + File.separator + "dir2" + File.separator + "filename";
            trace("p:", p);

            // Normalize paths
            var file:File = new File("dir1//filename");

            file = new File("dir1/../dir1/filename");

            // Get directory and file name
            file = new File(p);
            trace("Dir(p):", file.parent.nativePath);

            // Check if path is absolute

            var filename:String = "config.json";

            // Get file extension
            var ext:String = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));

            // Remove file extension
            trace(filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")));

            // Find relative path
            var base:File = new File("a/b");
            var target:File = new File("a/b/t/file");

            base = new File("a/b");
            target = new File("a/c/t/file");

In this ActionScript example:

  1. We use File.separator to join paths in a platform-independent way.

  2. The File class automatically normalizes paths when creating new File objects.

  3. We can get the directory and file name using the parent and name properties of a File object.

  4. The isAbsolute() method checks if a path is absolute.

  5. To work with file extensions, we use string manipulation methods like substring and lastIndexOf.

  6. The getRelativePath() method finds a relative path between two File objects.

Note that ActionScript runs in a sandboxed environment, so file system operations are typically restricted for security reasons. This code assumes you have the necessary permissions to access the file system.

To run this ActionScript code, you would typically compile it into a SWF file and run it in the Flash Player or AIR runtime.

$ mxmlc
$ flashplayer FilePaths.swf

The output would be similar to the Go example, but the exact paths and formatting might differ due to platform-specific behavior of the Flash runtime.