Number Parsing in ActionScript

In ActionScript, parsing numbers from strings is a common task. Here’s how to do it:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class NumberParsing extends Sprite {
        public function NumberParsing() {
            var output:TextField = new TextField();
            output.width = 400;
            output.height = 300;

            // Parse a float
            var f:Number = parseFloat("1.234");
            output.appendText(f + "\n");

            // Parse an integer
            var i:int = parseInt("123");
            output.appendText(i + "\n");

            // Parse a hexadecimal number
            var d:int = parseInt("0x1c8", 16);
            output.appendText(d + "\n");

            // Parse an unsigned integer
            var u:uint = uint("789");
            output.appendText(u + "\n");

            // Parse a string to an integer
            var k:int = int("135");
            output.appendText(k + "\n");

            // Handle parsing errors
            try {
                var invalid:int = int("wat");
            } catch (e:Error) {
                output.appendText(e.message + "\n");

In ActionScript, we use built-in functions for number parsing:

  • parseFloat() is used to parse floating-point numbers.
  • parseInt() is used to parse integers. It can also parse hexadecimal numbers when specifying the radix (base) as 16.
  • uint() is used to parse unsigned integers.
  • int() is a convenience function for parsing integers.

Unlike some other languages, ActionScript doesn’t have separate functions for parsing different integer sizes. The int type is always 32-bit, and uint is used for unsigned 32-bit integers.

To handle parsing errors, we use a try-catch block. If the parsing fails, an error will be thrown.

To run this code, you would typically compile it into a SWF file and run it in a Flash Player or AIR runtime environment. The output would be displayed in a TextField on the stage.

Next, we’ll look at another common parsing task: URLs.