String Functions in ActionScript

ActionScript doesn’t have a direct equivalent to the strings package in Go, but we can create similar functionality using built-in String methods and custom functions. Here’s how we can replicate the string operations in ActionScript:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class StringFunctions extends Sprite {
        public function StringFunctions() {
            var output:TextField = new TextField();
            output.width = 400;
            output.height = 300;

            function p(...args):void {
                output.appendText(args.join(" ") + "\n");

            // Here's a sample of string functions in ActionScript
            p("Contains:  ", "test".indexOf("es") != -1);
            p("Count:     ", countOccurrences("test", "t"));
            p("HasPrefix: ", "test".indexOf("te") == 0);
            p("HasSuffix: ", "test".lastIndexOf("st") == "test".length - 2);
            p("Index:     ", "test".indexOf("e"));
            p("Join:      ", ["a", "b"].join("-"));
            p("Repeat:    ", repeatString("a", 5));
            p("Replace:   ", "foo".replace(/o/g, "0"));
            p("Replace:   ", "foo".replace("o", "0"));
            p("Split:     ", "a-b-c-d-e".split("-"));
            p("ToLower:   ", "TEST".toLowerCase());
            p("ToUpper:   ", "test".toUpperCase());

        private function countOccurrences(str:String, substr:String):int {
            return str.split(substr).length - 1;

        private function repeatString(str:String, count:int):String {
            var result:String = "";
            for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++) {
                result += str;
            return result;

This ActionScript code demonstrates various string operations similar to those in the original example. Here’s an explanation of the functions:

  1. contains: We use indexOf to check if a substring exists.
  2. count: We implement a custom countOccurrences function.
  3. hasPrefix and hasSuffix: We use indexOf and lastIndexOf respectively.
  4. index: ActionScript’s indexOf works similarly.
  5. join: ActionScript has a built-in join method for arrays.
  6. repeat: We implement a custom repeatString function.
  7. replace: ActionScript’s replace method can use regex for global replacement or a simple string for single replacement.
  8. split: ActionScript has a built-in split method.
  9. toLower and toUpper: ActionScript has toLowerCase and toUpperCase methods.

To run this ActionScript code, you would typically compile it into a SWF file and run it in a Flash Player or AIR runtime environment. The output would be displayed in a TextField on the stage.

Note that ActionScript is typically used in the context of Flash or AIR applications, so the setup and execution are quite different from command-line programs. The output in this case would be visible in the application window rather than printed to a console.