Channel Buffering in Ada
Based on the provided input, here’s the translation of the Go code to Ada, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
Ada does not have built-in channels like Go, so we’ll use a protected object to simulate a buffered channel. This example demonstrates how to create a buffered “channel” in Ada using a protected object with a fixed-size array.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Channel_Buffering is
Buffer_Size : constant := 2;
protected type Buffered_Channel is
entry Put (Item : in String);
entry Get (Item : out String);
Buffer : array (1 .. Buffer_Size) of String (1 .. 20);
Count : Natural := 0;
In_Index, Out_Index : Positive := 1;
end Buffered_Channel;
protected body Buffered_Channel is
entry Put (Item : in String) when Count < Buffer_Size is
Buffer (In_Index) := (others => ' ');
Buffer (In_Index)(1 .. Item'Length) := Item;
In_Index := (In_Index mod Buffer_Size) + 1;
Count := Count + 1;
end Put;
entry Get (Item : out String) when Count > 0 is
Item := Buffer (Out_Index);
Out_Index := (Out_Index mod Buffer_Size) + 1;
Count := Count - 1;
end Get;
end Buffered_Channel;
Messages : Buffered_Channel;
-- Because this channel is buffered, we can send these
-- values into the channel without a corresponding
-- concurrent receive.
Messages.Put ("buffered");
Messages.Put ("channel");
-- Later we can receive these two values as usual.
Msg : String (1 .. 20);
Messages.Get (Msg);
Put_Line (Msg);
Messages.Get (Msg);
Put_Line (Msg);
end Channel_Buffering;
In this Ada example, we’ve created a Buffered_Channel
protected type that simulates a buffered channel. The Buffer_Size
constant is set to 2, allowing the channel to buffer up to 2 values.
The Put
entry adds items to the buffer, while the Get
entry retrieves items from the buffer. The Count
variable keeps track of the number of items in the buffer, and In_Index
and Out_Index
manage the circular buffer.
In the main procedure, we demonstrate how to use this buffered channel:
- We create an instance of
. - We put two strings into the channel using
. - We then retrieve and print these two values using
This example shows how Ada can implement a concept similar to buffered channels, providing a way to send multiple values without immediate corresponding receives.
To compile and run this Ada program:
$ gnatmake channel_buffering.adb
$ ./channel_buffering
This example demonstrates how Ada can implement buffered communication between tasks, which is conceptually similar to buffered channels in other languages.