Channel Directions in Ada

Ada doesn’t have built-in channels like Go, so we’ll use Ada’s tasking system to simulate similar behavior. We’ll use protected objects to ensure thread-safe communication between tasks.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Channel_Directions is

   protected type Message_Queue is
      entry Send (Msg : in String);
      entry Receive (Msg : out String);
      Message : String (1 .. 100);
      Is_Empty : Boolean := True;
   end Message_Queue;

   protected body Message_Queue is
      entry Send (Msg : in String) when Is_Empty is
         Message (1 .. Msg'Length) := Msg;
         Is_Empty := False;
      end Send;

      entry Receive (Msg : out String) when not Is_Empty is
         Msg := Message (1 .. Message'Length);
         Is_Empty := True;
      end Receive;
   end Message_Queue;

   Pings : Message_Queue;
   Pongs : Message_Queue;

   task Ping;
   task Pong;

   task body Ping is
      Pings.Send ("passed message");
   end Ping;

   task body Pong is
      Msg : String (1 .. 100);
      Pings.Receive (Msg);
      Pongs.Send (Msg);
   end Pong;

   delay 0.1;  -- Give tasks time to complete
      Result : String (1 .. 100);
      Pongs.Receive (Result);
      Put_Line (Result);
end Channel_Directions;

This Ada program demonstrates a concept similar to channel directions using Ada’s tasking system:

  1. We define a protected type Message_Queue that acts like a channel, with Send and Receive entries.

  2. The Ping task sends a message to the Pings queue.

  3. The Pong task receives a message from Pings and sends it to Pongs.

  4. In the main procedure, we wait a short time for the tasks to complete, then receive and print the message from Pongs.

To run this program, save it as channel_directions.adb and compile it with an Ada compiler:

$ gnatmake channel_directions.adb
$ ./channel_directions
passed message

This example demonstrates how Ada’s tasking system can be used to achieve similar functionality to Go’s channel directions. While the syntax and concepts are different, the core idea of safe, directional communication between concurrent processes is preserved.