Custom Errors in Ada
Our first example demonstrates how to create custom error types in Ada. This is similar to implementing the Error()
method in other languages.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure Custom_Errors is
-- A custom error type usually has the suffix "Error".
type Arg_Error is record
Arg : Integer;
Message : Unbounded_String;
end record;
-- Define an exception for our custom error
Arg_Error_Exception : exception;
-- Function to raise our custom error
function F (Arg : Integer) return Integer is
if Arg = 42 then
-- Raise our custom exception with the error details
raise Arg_Error_Exception with
Integer'Image(Arg) & " - " & To_String(To_Unbounded_String("can't work with it"));
end if;
return Arg + 3;
end F;
Result : Integer;
Result := F(42);
Put_Line("Result: " & Integer'Image(Result));
when Arg_Error_Exception =>
-- Extract the error message
Error_Message : String := Exception_Message(Arg_Error_Exception'Identity);
Put_Line("Caught Arg_Error:");
end Custom_Errors;
In this Ada example, we define a custom error type Arg_Error
as a record. We also define an exception Arg_Error_Exception
to represent our custom error condition.
The F
function demonstrates how to raise our custom exception when a specific condition is met (in this case, when the argument is 42).
In the main procedure, we call F
with the argument 42 and handle the potential exception. If an Arg_Error_Exception
is raised, we catch it and print the error message.
To run this program:
$ gnatmake custom_errors.adb
$ ./custom_errors
Caught Arg_Error:
42 - can't work with it
This example shows how Ada handles custom errors through exceptions, which is a bit different from the error interface approach in some other languages. However, it allows for similar functionality in terms of creating and handling custom error types.