Interfaces in Ada
In Ada, we can implement interfaces using abstract types and tagged types. Here’s an example of geometric shapes using Ada’s object-oriented features.
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Numerics;
procedure Interfaces is
-- Define an abstract type for geometric shapes
type Geometry is abstract tagged null record;
-- Define abstract methods for the Geometry type
function Area (Self : Geometry) return Float is abstract;
function Perim (Self : Geometry) return Float is abstract;
-- Define a rectangle type
type Rect is new Geometry with record
Width, Height : Float;
end record;
-- Implement Area and Perim for Rect
overriding function Area (Self : Rect) return Float is
return Self.Width * Self.Height;
end Area;
overriding function Perim (Self : Rect) return Float is
return 2.0 * Self.Width + 2.0 * Self.Height;
end Perim;
-- Define a circle type
type Circle is new Geometry with record
Radius : Float;
end record;
-- Implement Area and Perim for Circle
overriding function Area (Self : Circle) return Float is
return Pi * Self.Radius * Self.Radius;
end Area;
overriding function Perim (Self : Circle) return Float is
return 2.0 * Pi * Self.Radius;
end Perim;
-- Generic procedure to measure any Geometry object
procedure Measure (G : Geometry'Class) is
Put_Line ("Area: " & Float'Image (G.Area));
Put_Line ("Perimeter: " & Float'Image (G.Perim));
end Measure;
-- Create instances of Rect and Circle
R : Rect := (Geometry with Width => 3.0, Height => 4.0);
C : Circle := (Geometry with Radius => 5.0);
-- Measure the rectangle and circle
Put_Line ("Rectangle:");
Measure (R);
Put_Line ("Circle:");
Measure (C);
end Interfaces;
In this Ada example, we define an abstract Geometry
type with abstract methods Area
and Perim
. We then create two concrete types, Rect
and Circle
, which inherit from Geometry
and implement these methods.
The Measure
procedure is generic and can work with any type derived from Geometry
. This is similar to the concept of interfaces in other languages.
To run this program, save it as interfaces.adb
and compile it using an Ada compiler such as GNAT:
$ gnatmake interfaces.adb
$ ./interfaces
The output will show the area and perimeter calculations for both the rectangle and circle.
This example demonstrates how Ada’s object-oriented features can be used to implement interface-like behavior, allowing for polymorphism and code reuse.