Number Parsing in Ada

Our number parsing program demonstrates how to parse numbers from strings in Ada. Here’s the full source code:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_Elementary_Functions;

procedure Number_Parsing is
   use Ada.Text_IO;
   use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
   use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
   use Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_Elementary_Functions;

   F : Float;
   I : Integer;
   D : Integer;
   U : Natural;
   K : Integer;
   -- Parse a float
   F := Float'Value("1.234");
   Put(F, Fore => 1, Aft => 3, Exp => 0);

   -- Parse an integer
   I := Integer'Value("123");
   Put(I, Width => 0);

   -- Parse a hexadecimal number
   D := Integer'Value("16#1c8#");
   Put(D, Width => 0);

   -- Parse an unsigned integer (Natural in Ada)
   U := Natural'Value("789");
   Put(U, Width => 0);

   -- Parse a basic base-10 integer
   K := Integer'Value("135");
   Put(K, Width => 0);

   -- Demonstrate error handling
      K := Integer'Value("wat");
      when Constraint_Error =>
         Put_Line("Error: Invalid integer syntax");
end Number_Parsing;

In Ada, we use the 'Value attribute to parse strings into numbers. This attribute is available for all numeric types.

For floating-point numbers, we use Float'Value. The precision is determined by the type we’re parsing into (Float in this case).

For integers, we use Integer'Value. Ada will automatically infer the base from the string representation. Hexadecimal numbers are represented with the base explicitly stated (e.g., 16#1c8#).

Ada doesn’t have separate signed and unsigned integer types like some languages. Instead, we use Natural for non-negative integers, which is a subtype of Integer.

Ada doesn’t have a direct equivalent to the Atoi function, but Integer'Value serves the same purpose for parsing base-10 integers.

Error handling in Ada is done through exceptions. When parsing fails, a Constraint_Error is raised, which we can catch and handle appropriately.

To run the program, save it as number_parsing.adb and use your Ada compiler. For example, with GNAT:

$ gnatmake number_parsing.adb
$ ./number_parsing
Error: Invalid integer syntax

This example demonstrates basic number parsing in Ada, including handling of different numeric types and error conditions.