Sorting by Functions in Ada

In Ada, we can implement custom sorting functions using generics and the Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort package. Here’s an example of custom sorts in Ada:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Sorting_By_Functions is
   use Ada.Text_IO;
   use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

   type Fruit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String;
   Fruits : Fruit_Array := (To_Unbounded_String("peach"),

   function Length_Compare (Left, Right : Unbounded_String) return Boolean is
      return Length(Left) < Length(Right);
   end Length_Compare;

   procedure Sort_Fruits is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort
     (Index_Type   => Positive,
      Element_Type => Unbounded_String,
      Array_Type   => Fruit_Array,
      "<"          => Length_Compare);

   type Person is record
      Name : Unbounded_String;
      Age  : Natural;
   end record;

   type Person_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Person;
   People : Person_Array := 
     ((Name => To_Unbounded_String("Jax"), Age => 37),
      (Name => To_Unbounded_String("TJ"), Age => 25),
      (Name => To_Unbounded_String("Alex"), Age => 72));

   function Age_Compare (Left, Right : Person) return Boolean is
      return Left.Age < Right.Age;
   end Age_Compare;

   procedure Sort_People is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort
     (Index_Type   => Positive,
      Element_Type => Person,
      Array_Type   => Person_Array,
      "<"          => Age_Compare);

   -- Sort fruits by length
   Put_Line("Sorted fruits:");
   for Fruit of Fruits loop
   end loop;


   -- Sort people by age
   Put_Line("Sorted people:");
   for Person of People loop
      Put_Line(To_String(Person.Name) & ": " & Person.Age'Image);
   end loop;
end Sorting_By_Functions;

In this Ada example, we implement custom sorting for both strings (fruits) and a custom type (Person). Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We define a Fruit_Array type and create an array of fruits using Unbounded_String for flexibility.

  2. We implement a Length_Compare function that compares two strings based on their length.

  3. We use Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort to create a sorting procedure Sort_Fruits that uses our custom comparison function.

  4. Similarly, we define a Person record type and a Person_Array, and create an array of people.

  5. We implement an Age_Compare function to compare Person records based on their age.

  6. We create another sorting procedure Sort_People using Generic_Array_Sort with our custom Age_Compare function.

  7. In the main procedure, we sort both the fruits and people arrays using our custom sorting procedures and print the results.

This example demonstrates how to implement custom sorting in Ada using generics and the Generic_Array_Sort package. It allows for flexible sorting of both built-in types and custom record types based on any criteria we define.

To compile and run this Ada program:

$ gnatmake sorting_by_functions.adb
$ ./sorting_by_functions

This will output the sorted fruits by length and people by age.