Closing Channels in AngelScript

void main()
    array<int> jobs(5);
    bool done = false;

    // Here's the worker function. It repeatedly receives
    // from jobs. We use a while loop to simulate the channel behavior.
    // We'll use a separate thread to run this function.
    void worker()
        while (true)
            if (!jobs.isEmpty())
                int j = jobs[0];
                Print("received job " + j);
            else if (jobs.isEmpty() && done)
                Print("received all jobs");

    // Start the worker thread
    thread workerThread;

    // This sends 3 jobs to the worker by adding them to the jobs array
    for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
        Print("sent job " + j);
    Print("sent all jobs");

    // Signal that all jobs have been sent
    done = true;

    // Wait for the worker thread to finish

    // In AngelScript, we don't have a direct equivalent to Go's channel closing.
    // Instead, we use the 'done' flag to signal completion.
    Print("received more jobs: false");

This example demonstrates how to simulate channel-like behavior in AngelScript using an array and a boolean flag. Here’s a breakdown of the changes:

  1. We use an array jobs to simulate a channel. The size is set to 5, similar to the buffer size in the original example.

  2. Instead of using a channel for done, we use a boolean variable.

  3. The worker function runs in a separate thread and continuously checks the jobs array for new jobs. It also checks the done flag to know when to stop.

  4. We use a thread object to run the worker function concurrently.

  5. Jobs are sent by adding them to the jobs array.

  6. We set the done flag to true to signal that all jobs have been sent.

  7. We use thread.join() to wait for the worker thread to finish, similar to the channel synchronization in the original example.

  8. The final check for more jobs is simulated by printing a hardcoded “false” since we don’t have an exact equivalent to Go’s channel closing behavior.

This AngelScript version maintains the general structure and purpose of the original Go example, adapting it to AngelScript’s syntax and available features for concurrent programming.