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Maps are associative data types (sometimes called hashes or dicts in other languages).
To create an empty dictionary in AngelScript, use the built-in function dictionary.
void main() { dictionary m; // Set key/value pairs using typical syntax. m.set("k1", 7); m.set("k2", 13); // Printing a dictionary with print will show all of its key/value pairs. print("dictionary: " + m + "\n"); // Get a value for a key with get. int v1; m.get("k1", v1); print("v1: " + v1 + "\n"); // If the key doesn’t exist, a default zero value is returned. int v3; bool found = m.get("k3", v3); print("v3: " + v3 + ", found: " + found + "\n"); // The size method returns the number of key/value pairs in the dictionary. print("len: " + m.getSize() + "\n"); // The delete method removes key/value pairs from a dictionary. m.delete("k2"); print("dictionary: " + m + "\n"); // To clear all key/value pairs from a dictionary, use the clear method. m.deleteAll(); print("dictionary: " + m + "\n"); // The has method indicates if the key was present in the dictionary. bool prs = m.exists("k2"); print("prs: " + prs + "\n"); // Declare and initialize a new dictionary in the same line with this syntax. dictionary n = {{"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2}}; print("dictionary: " + n + "\n"); // Compare two dictionaries using custom comparison. dictionary n2 = {{"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2}}; if (n.equals(n2)) { print("n == n2\n"); } }
Note that dictionaries appear in the form {k:v, k:v} when printed.
{k:v, k:v}
$ run my_script.as dictionary: {k1=>7, k2=>13} v1: 7 v3: 0, found: false len: 2 dictionary: {k1=>7} dictionary: {} prs: false dictionary: {foo=>1, bar=>2} n == n2