Arrays in Assembly Language

section .data
    emp_msg db "emp: ", 0
    set_msg db "set: ", 0
    get_msg db "get: ", 0
    len_msg db "len: ", 0
    dcl_msg db "dcl: ", 0
    idx_msg db "idx: ", 0
    twod_msg db "2d: ", 0
    newline db 10, 0

section .bss
    array resw 5
    array_b resw 5
    array_c resw 5
    twod_array resw 6

section .text
    global _start

    ; Initialize array with zeros
    mov ecx, 5
    mov edi, array
    xor eax, eax
    rep stosd

    ; Print empty array
    mov esi, emp_msg
    call print_string
    mov esi, array
    mov ecx, 5
    call print_array

    ; Set value at index 4
    mov word [array + 8], 100

    ; Print set array
    mov esi, set_msg
    call print_string
    mov esi, array
    mov ecx, 5
    call print_array

    ; Print get value
    mov esi, get_msg
    call print_string
    mov ax, [array + 8]
    call print_int

    ; Print length
    mov esi, len_msg
    call print_string
    mov eax, 5
    call print_int

    ; Initialize array_b with values
    mov word [array_b], 1
    mov word [array_b + 2], 2
    mov word [array_b + 4], 3
    mov word [array_b + 6], 4
    mov word [array_b + 8], 5

    ; Print dcl array
    mov esi, dcl_msg
    call print_string
    mov esi, array_b
    mov ecx, 5
    call print_array

    ; Initialize array_c with specific indices
    mov word [array_c], 100
    mov word [array_c + 6], 400
    mov word [array_c + 8], 500

    ; Print idx array
    mov esi, idx_msg
    call print_string
    mov esi, array_c
    mov ecx, 5
    call print_array

    ; Initialize 2D array
    mov ecx, 2
    mov edi, twod_array
    push ecx
    mov ecx, 3
    mov eax, 2
    sub eax, [esp]
    add eax, ecx
    dec eax
    mov [edi], ax
    add edi, 2
    loop .inner_loop
    pop ecx
    loop .outer_loop

    ; Print 2D array
    mov esi, twod_msg
    call print_string
    mov esi, twod_array
    mov ecx, 2
    mov edx, 3
    call print_2d_array

    ; Exit program
    mov eax, 1
    xor ebx, ebx
    int 0x80

; Utility functions (print_string, print_int, print_array, print_2d_array) would be implemented here

This Assembly Language code demonstrates the concepts of arrays similar to the original Go example. Here’s an explanation of the key parts:

  1. We define arrays in the .bss section using the resw directive, which reserves words (16-bit values) for our arrays.

  2. The _start section initializes and manipulates the arrays:

    • We use rep stosd to initialize the first array with zeros.
    • We set a value at index 4 using direct memory addressing.
    • We initialize array_b with specific values.
    • We initialize array_c with values at specific indices.
    • We create a 2D array using nested loops.
  3. Throughout the code, we call utility functions (not shown here for brevity) to print the arrays and messages.

  4. The 2D array is represented as a flat array in memory, but we use nested loops to initialize and print it as a 2D structure.

Note that Assembly Language doesn’t have built-in high-level concepts like slices or dynamic arrays. We’re working directly with memory and using lower-level constructs to achieve similar functionality.

The code demonstrates array initialization, accessing and modifying array elements, and working with multi-dimensional arrays in Assembly Language. The exact syntax and available instructions may vary depending on the specific assembly flavor and target architecture.