Closures in Assembly Language

Assembly language doesn’t have direct support for closures or anonymous functions as high-level languages do. However, we can simulate the behavior using functions and static memory. Here’s an approximation of the concept:

section .data
    fmt_int db "%d", 10, 0  ; Format string for printing integers

section .bss
    i resb 4  ; Reserve 4 bytes for our counter

section .text
    global main
    extern printf

    mov eax, [i]  ; Load the current value of i
    inc eax       ; Increment it
    mov [i], eax  ; Store it back
    ret           ; Return with the value in eax

    ; Call intSeq multiple times
    call intSeq
    push eax
    push fmt_int
    call printf
    add esp, 8

    call intSeq
    push eax
    push fmt_int
    call printf
    add esp, 8

    call intSeq
    push eax
    push fmt_int
    call printf
    add esp, 8

    ; Reset i to 0 to simulate creating a new closure
    mov dword [i], 0

    ; Call intSeq again
    call intSeq
    push eax
    push fmt_int
    call printf
    add esp, 8


In this assembly code, we’re simulating the behavior of a closure by using a global variable i to maintain state between function calls. The intSeq function acts as our closure, incrementing and returning the value of i each time it’s called.

To run this program:

  1. Save the code in a file, e.g., closures.asm
  2. Assemble and link the code (assuming you’re using NASM and GCC on a Linux system):
$ nasm -f elf closures.asm
$ gcc -m32 closures.o -o closures
$ ./closures

This assembly code approximates the behavior of the original closure example. The intSeq function acts like a closure by maintaining and updating the state of i across multiple calls. The main function demonstrates this by calling intSeq multiple times and then “creating a new closure” by resetting i to 0.

Note that this is a simplified representation and doesn’t capture all the nuances of closures in high-level languages. Assembly language operates at a much lower level and doesn’t have built-in support for such abstractions.