Enums in Assembly Language

Enumerated types (enums) are a special case of sum types. An enum is a type that has a fixed number of possible values, each with a distinct name. Assembly language doesn’t have a built-in enum type, but we can implement a similar concept using constants and macros.

; Define our ServerState enum using equates (constants)
StateIdle      equ 0
StateConnected equ 1
StateError     equ 2
StateRetrying  equ 3

section .data
    ; Define string representations for our enum values
    stateName db "idle", 0, "connected", 0, "error", 0, "retrying", 0

section .text
global _start

    ; Example usage of our enum
    mov eax, StateIdle
    call transition
    call print_state

    mov eax, eax  ; The result of the previous transition
    call transition
    call print_state

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1
    xor ebx, ebx
    int 0x80

; transition function
; Input: eax - current state
; Output: eax - new state
    cmp eax, StateIdle
    je .to_connected
    cmp eax, StateConnected
    je .to_idle
    cmp eax, StateRetrying
    je .to_idle
    cmp eax, StateError
    je .stay_error
    ; If we reach here, it's an unknown state
    jmp error

    mov eax, StateConnected

    mov eax, StateIdle

    mov eax, StateError

; print_state function
; Input: eax - state to print
    push eax
    mov ecx, stateName
    mov edx, 0
    cmp eax, 0
    je .print
    inc edx
    cmp byte [ecx + edx], 0
    jne .skip_string
    inc edx
    dec eax
    jmp .find_string
    mov eax, 4  ; sys_write
    mov ebx, 1  ; stdout
    int 0x80
    mov eax, 4
    mov ebx, 1
    mov ecx, newline
    mov edx, 1
    int 0x80
    pop eax

    ; Print error message and exit
    mov eax, 4
    mov ebx, 1
    mov ecx, error_msg
    mov edx, error_msg_len
    int 0x80
    mov eax, 1
    mov ebx, 1
    int 0x80

section .data
    newline db 10
    error_msg db "Error: Unknown state", 10
    error_msg_len equ $ - error_msg

In this Assembly Language implementation:

  1. We define our enum values as constants using equ.
  2. We create a string table (stateName) to hold the string representations of our enum values.
  3. The transition function simulates state transitions based on the current state.
  4. The print_state function prints the string representation of a given state.
  5. We demonstrate the usage in the _start function, which serves as our main entry point.

This implementation provides a way to work with enumerated types in Assembly Language, although it lacks the type safety and convenience features of higher-level languages. The concept of state transitions and string representations for enum values is preserved, albeit in a more low-level and manual fashion.

To run this program, you would need to assemble and link it using an assembler like NASM and a linker. The exact commands may vary depending on your system and toolchain.