Errors in Assembly Language
section .data
msg db 'hello world', 0
msg_len equ $ - msg
section .text
global _start
; Write the message to stdout
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number for sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor 1 is stdout
mov ecx, msg ; message to write
mov edx, msg_len ; message length
int 0x80 ; call kernel
; Exit the program
mov eax, 1 ; syscall number for sys_exit
xor ebx, ebx ; return 0 status
int 0x80 ; call kernel
In Assembly, error handling is typically managed through checking return values of system calls or comparing specific registers. Unlike high-level languages, there’s no built-in error type or exception handling mechanism.
Here’s an example of how you might implement a function that checks for errors:
section .data
error_msg db 'Error: Invalid argument', 0
error_len equ $ - error_msg
section .text
global _start
; Call our function
mov eax, 42 ; Argument for our function
call check_argument
; Exit program
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
; Compare argument with 42
cmp eax, 42
je .error ; If equal, jump to error
; If not equal, return success
mov eax, 0 ; Return 0 (no error)
; Print error message
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, error_msg
mov edx, error_len
int 0x80
; Return error code
mov eax, 1 ; Return 1 (error)
In this example, the check_argument
function checks if the input is equal to 42. If it is, it prints an error message and returns 1 (indicating an error). Otherwise, it returns 0 (indicating success).
To use this function:
- Call
with a value ineax
. - After the call, check
for the return value (0 for success, 1 for error).
This approach mimics the error handling pattern in the original code, where functions return an error value that needs to be checked by the caller.
Remember that in Assembly, you have to manage all aspects of error handling manually, including defining error codes, checking return values, and deciding how to proceed based on those values.
To compile and run this Assembly program (assuming x86 architecture and Linux):
$ nasm -f elf program.asm
$ ld -m elf_i386 -o program program.o
$ ./program
This will assemble the code, link it into an executable, and run it. The program will either exit silently (if no error occurred) or print the error message.