File Paths in Assembly Language

section .data
    dir1 db "dir1", 0
    dir2 db "dir2", 0
    filename db "filename", 0
    format db "%s", 10, 0
    p db 256 dup(0)
    rel db 256 dup(0)

section .text
    global _start
    extern printf

    ; Join paths
    mov rdi, p
    mov rsi, dir1
    call join_path
    mov rsi, dir2
    call join_path
    mov rsi, filename
    call join_path

    ; Print joined path
    mov rdi, format
    mov rsi, p
    call printf

    ; Print directory part
    mov rdi, p
    call get_dir
    mov rdi, format
    mov rsi, rax
    call printf

    ; Print base part
    mov rdi, p
    call get_base
    mov rdi, format
    mov rsi, rax
    call printf

    ; Exit program
    mov rax, 60
    xor rdi, rdi

    ; Simple path joining (not handling all cases)
    mov al, '/'
    push rsi
    call strcpy
    pop rsi

    ; Get directory part (simplified)
    mov rsi, rdi
    mov rdx, rdi
        test al, al
        jz .done
        cmp al, '/'
        jne .next
        mov rdx, rsi
        jmp .loop
        mov byte [rdx-1], 0
        mov rax, rdi

    ; Get base name (simplified)
    mov rsi, rdi
    mov rax, rdi
        test al, al
        jz .done
        cmp al, '/'
        jne .next
        mov rax, rsi
        jmp .loop

    ; Simple string copy
        cmp byte [rsi-1], 0
        jne .loop

This Assembly Language code provides a basic implementation of file path operations similar to the original example. Here’s an explanation of the key parts:

  1. We define some data in the .data section, including strings for directory names and a buffer for the joined path.

  2. In the _start function, we perform the following operations:

    • Join paths using a simple join_path function
    • Print the joined path
    • Get and print the directory part of the path
    • Get and print the base name of the path
  3. The join_path function is a simplified version that just adds a ‘/’ separator and concatenates the strings.

  4. get_dir function finds the last ‘/’ in the path and null-terminates the string there to get the directory part.

  5. get_base function finds the last ‘/’ in the path and returns the pointer to the character after it as the base name.

  6. strcpy is a simple string copy function used by join_path.

Note that this Assembly implementation is much more basic than the Go version. It doesn’t handle all the cases that the Go filepath package does, such as cleaning paths, handling absolute paths, or working with file extensions. Implementing all these features in Assembly would require significantly more code.

To compile and run this Assembly program, you would typically use a tool like NASM to assemble it, then link it with the C standard library for the printf function:

$ nasm -f elf64 file_paths.asm
$ gcc -no-pie file_paths.o -o file_paths
$ ./file_paths

This would output the joined path, directory part, and base name, similar to the Go example but with less functionality.