Tickers in Assembly Language
Assembly Language doesn’t have built-in support for high-level concepts like tickers or timers. However, we can simulate a similar behavior using loops and system calls for timing. This example will use x86 assembly for Linux.
section .data
tick_msg db 'Tick at ', 0
stop_msg db 'Ticker stopped', 10, 0
fmt db '%s%d', 10, 0
section .text
global _start
extern printf
extern usleep
extern time
; Initialize counter
mov dword [counter], 0
; Main loop (simulating ticker)
; Print tick message
push dword [counter]
push tick_msg
push fmt
call printf
add esp, 12
; Increment counter
inc dword [counter]
; Sleep for 500ms (500000 microseconds)
push dword 500000
call usleep
add esp, 4
; Check if we've ticked 3 times
cmp dword [counter], 3
jl tick_loop
; Print stop message
push stop_msg
call printf
add esp, 4
; Exit program
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
section .bss
counter resd 1
This Assembly code simulates the behavior of a ticker by using a loop and the usleep
function to create regular intervals. Here’s how it works:
We define messages for ticks and when the ticker stops.
In the
section, we initialize a counter to keep track of the number of ticks.We enter a loop (
) that simulates the ticker:- It prints a “Tick at” message along with the current counter value.
- Increments the counter.
- Uses the
function to pause for 500,000 microseconds (500 ms).
The loop continues until we’ve ticked 3 times (simulating the 1600ms in the original example).
After the loop, we print a “Ticker stopped” message.
Finally, we exit the program.
To run this program:
- Save the code in a file, e.g.,
. - Assemble and link the program:
$ nasm -f elf ticker.asm
$ ld -m elf_i386 -o ticker ticker.o -lc
- Run the program:
$ ./ticker
Tick at 0
Tick at 1
Tick at 2
Ticker stopped
This Assembly implementation provides a basic simulation of the ticker concept. However, it’s important to note that Assembly doesn’t have native support for concurrent operations or channels as in higher-level languages. The timing may also not be as precise as in the original example due to the simplicity of this implementation.