Timeouts in Assembly Language
Assembly Language doesn’t have direct equivalents for many high-level concepts in Go, such as goroutines, channels, or built-in timing functions. However, we can demonstrate a simplified version of the timeout concept using a loop and a counter.
section .data
result1 db "result 1", 0
result2 db "result 2", 0
timeout1 db "timeout 1", 0
timeout2 db "timeout 2", 0
section .text
global _start
; Simulate first operation with timeout
mov ecx, 1000000 ; Loop counter (adjust for desired timeout)
call wait_loop
jnc print_result1
mov edx, timeout1
call print_string
jmp second_operation
mov edx, result1
call print_string
; Simulate second operation with longer timeout
mov ecx, 3000000 ; Loop counter (adjust for desired timeout)
call wait_loop
jnc print_result2
mov edx, timeout2
call print_string
jmp exit_program
mov edx, result2
call print_string
; Exit the program
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
; Simulate waiting
loop wait_loop
; Print string pointed to by edx
push edx
mov ecx, edx
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
pop edx
This Assembly code simulates the concept of timeouts using a simple loop counter. Here’s how it works:
We define our result and timeout messages in the data section.
In the
section, we simulate two operations with different timeouts:- The first operation has a shorter timeout (represented by a smaller loop count).
- The second operation has a longer timeout (represented by a larger loop count).
function simulates waiting by decrementing the loop counter (ECX register) until it reaches zero.If the loop completes before timeout (carry flag is not set), we print the result. Otherwise, we print the timeout message.
function is a utility to print the string pointed to by the EDX register.
This code doesn’t truly implement parallel execution or precise timing as in the original Go example. In real Assembly programming, implementing such features would require using system-specific timer interrupts or multi-threading capabilities, which are beyond the scope of this basic example.
To run this program, you would typically assemble it into an object file, link it, and then execute the resulting binary. The exact commands may vary depending on your assembler and operating system.
$ nasm -f elf64 timeouts.asm
$ ld -o timeouts timeouts.o
$ ./timeouts
timeout 1
result 2
This output simulates the behavior of the original Go program, where the first operation times out, but the second operation completes successfully.