Timers in Assembly Language
Assembly Language doesn’t have built-in timer functionality or high-level concepts like channels. However, we can simulate a basic timer using a loop and a system call to sleep. Here’s a simplified version of the timer concept in x86 Assembly for Linux:
section .data
msg1 db "Timer 1 fired", 0
msg2 db "Timer 2 stopped", 0
section .text
global _start
; Simulate Timer 1 (2 seconds)
mov ecx, 2 ; Set counter to 2 (2 seconds)
push ecx
mov eax, 162 ; nanosleep system call number
mov ebx, timespec
xor ecx, ecx
int 0x80 ; Invoke system call
pop ecx
loop timer1_loop
; Print "Timer 1 fired"
mov eax, 4 ; write system call number
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor (stdout)
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, 14 ; message length
int 0x80
; Simulate stopping Timer 2
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg2
mov edx, 16
int 0x80
; Exit program
mov eax, 1 ; exit system call number
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
section .data
dd 1 ; 1 second
dd 0 ; 0 nanoseconds
This Assembly code simulates the basic concept of timers:
We define two messages: “Timer 1 fired” and “Timer 2 stopped”.
The program starts by simulating Timer 1. It uses a loop that calls the
system call twice, each time sleeping for 1 second. This simulates waiting for 2 seconds.After the timer “fires” (the loop completes), we print “Timer 1 fired” using the
system call.We then immediately print “Timer 2 stopped”, simulating the cancellation of the second timer before it fires.
Finally, the program exits using the
system call.
To run this program:
- Save the code in a file named
. - Assemble and link the program:
$ nasm -f elf timers.asm
$ ld -m elf_i386 -o timers timers.o
- Run the program:
$ ./timers
Timer 1 fired
Timer 2 stopped
This Assembly example demonstrates a very basic simulation of timers. It doesn’t include features like concurrent execution or actual timer cancellation, as these concepts are much more complex to implement in low-level Assembly. In real-world scenarios, timers and more advanced timing operations would typically be handled by the operating system or higher-level libraries.