Worker Pools in Assembly Language

Here’s the translation of the Go “Worker Pools” example into Assembly Language:

; Worker Pools in Assembly

section .data
    numJobs     equ 5
    numWorkers  equ 3
    jobMsg      db "worker %d started  job %d", 10, 0
    finishMsg   db "worker %d finished job %d", 10, 0
    fmt         db "%d", 10, 0

section .bss
    jobs        resq numJobs
    results     resq numJobs

section .text
    global _start
    extern printf
    extern sleep

    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    sub rsp, 16

    mov [rbp-8], rdi  ; worker id
    mov [rbp-16], rsi ; job index

    cmp qword [rbp-16], numJobs
    jge .done

    ; Print start message
    mov rdi, jobMsg
    mov rsi, [rbp-8]
    mov rdx, [rbp-16]
    xor rax, rax
    call printf

    ; Simulate work
    mov rdi, 1
    call sleep

    ; Print finish message
    mov rdi, finishMsg
    mov rsi, [rbp-8]
    mov rdx, [rbp-16]
    xor rax, rax
    call printf

    ; Store result (job * 2)
    mov rax, [rbp-16]
    shl rax, 1
    mov rbx, [rbp-16]
    mov [results + rbx * 8], rax

    inc qword [rbp-16]
    jmp .job_loop


    ; Initialize jobs
    mov rcx, 0
    mov [jobs + rcx * 8], rcx
    inc rcx
    cmp rcx, numJobs
    jl .init_jobs

    ; Start workers
    mov rcx, 0
    mov rdi, rcx
    inc rdi
    mov rsi, 0
    call worker
    inc rcx
    cmp rcx, numWorkers
    jl .start_workers

    ; Print results
    mov rcx, 0
    mov rdi, fmt
    mov rsi, [results + rcx * 8]
    xor rax, rax
    call printf
    inc rcx
    cmp rcx, numJobs
    jl .print_results

    ; Exit
    mov rax, 60
    xor rdi, rdi

This Assembly code implements a simplified version of the Worker Pools concept. Here’s an explanation of how it works:

  1. We define constants for the number of jobs and workers.

  2. We allocate space for jobs and results in the .bss section.

  3. The worker function simulates processing jobs:

    • It takes a worker ID and a job index as parameters.
    • It loops through jobs, printing start and finish messages.
    • It simulates work by calling sleep for 1 second.
    • It calculates a result (job * 2) and stores it in the results array.
  4. The _start function is the entry point:

    • It initializes the jobs array with values 0 to 4.
    • It starts three worker instances by calling the worker function.
    • After all jobs are processed, it prints the results.
  5. We use the printf function to print messages and the sleep function to simulate work.

Note that this Assembly implementation is a simplified version and doesn’t use true concurrency. In real Assembly programming, implementing concurrency would require using system-specific threading APIs or other low-level mechanisms, which are beyond the scope of this example.

To run this program, you would need to assemble it with NASM, link it with the C standard library (for printf and sleep), and then execute the resulting binary. The exact commands may vary depending on your system and assembler.

$ nasm -f elf64 worker_pools.asm
$ gcc -no-pie worker_pools.o -o worker_pools
$ ./worker_pools

This example demonstrates how we can implement a basic job processing system in Assembly, simulating the concept of worker pools. However, true parallel execution would require more advanced techniques specific to the target system and processor architecture.