Xml in Assembly Language

Here’s the translation of the XML example from Go to Assembly Language, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

; Plant structure definition
struc Plant
    .id     resw 1
    .name   resb 64
    .origin resb 128

section .data
    xml_header db '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 0
    plant_open db '<plant id="%d">', 10, 0
    plant_close db '</plant>', 10, 0
    name_fmt db '  <name>%s</name>', 10, 0
    origin_fmt db '  <origin>%s</origin>', 10, 0

section .bss
    coffee resb Plant_size
    tomato resb Plant_size

section .text
global _start

    ; Initialize coffee plant
    mov word [coffee + Plant.id], 27
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.name], 'Coff'
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.name + 4], 'ee'
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.origin], 'Ethi'
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.origin + 4], 'opia'
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.origin + 64], 'Braz'
    mov dword [coffee + Plant.origin + 68], 'il'

    ; Print XML for coffee plant
    call print_xml_header
    mov rdi, coffee
    call print_plant

    ; Initialize tomato plant
    mov word [tomato + Plant.id], 81
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.name], 'Toma'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.name + 4], 'to'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.origin], 'Mexi'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.origin + 4], 'co'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.origin + 64], 'Cali'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.origin + 68], 'forn'
    mov dword [tomato + Plant.origin + 72], 'ia'

    ; Print XML for tomato plant
    mov rdi, tomato
    call print_plant

    ; Exit program
    mov rax, 60
    xor rdi, rdi

    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, xml_header
    mov rdx, 38
    mov rax, 1

    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp

    ; Print plant opening tag with id
    mov rsi, plant_open
    mov rdx, [rdi + Plant.id]
    call printf

    ; Print name
    mov rsi, name_fmt
    lea rdx, [rdi + Plant.name]
    call printf

    ; Print origins
    lea r12, [rdi + Plant.origin]
    mov r13, 2  ; Number of origins to print
    mov rsi, origin_fmt
    mov rdx, r12
    call printf
    add r12, 64  ; Move to next origin
    dec r13
    jnz .print_origin_loop

    ; Print plant closing tag
    mov rsi, plant_close
    call printf

    pop rbp

; External printf function (assumes C library is linked)
extern printf

This Assembly Language code demonstrates a basic XML structure similar to the original Go example. Here’s an explanation of the key components:

  1. We define a Plant structure using the struc directive, which includes fields for id, name, and origin.

  2. The .data section contains string templates for XML tags and formatting.

  3. In the .bss section, we allocate memory for two plants: coffee and tomato.

  4. The _start function initializes the plant data and calls functions to print the XML representation.

  5. print_xml_header outputs the XML header.

  6. print_plant is responsible for printing the XML representation of a plant, including its id, name, and origins.

  7. We use the external printf function for formatted output (this assumes linking with the C standard library).

This Assembly code provides a low-level implementation of XML generation. Note that Assembly Language doesn’t have built-in XML support like Go’s encoding/xml package, so we manually construct the XML structure using string templates and formatted output.

To run this program, you would need to assemble it, link it with the C standard library (for printf), and then execute the resulting binary. The exact commands may vary depending on your assembler and system.

$ nasm -f elf64 xml_example.asm
$ gcc -no-pie xml_example.o -o xml_example
$ ./xml_example

This would output the XML representation of the coffee and tomato plants, similar to the Go example.