Tickers in C

Timers are for when you want to do something once in the future - tickers are for when you want to do something repeatedly at regular intervals. Here’s an example of a ticker that ticks periodically until we stop it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>

volatile int should_continue = 1;

void* ticker_func(void* arg) {
    while (should_continue) {
        time_t now = time(NULL);
        char* time_str = ctime(&now);
        time_str[strlen(time_str) - 1] = '\0';  // Remove newline
        printf("Tick at %s\n", time_str);
        usleep(500000);  // Sleep for 500 milliseconds
    return NULL;

int main() {
    pthread_t ticker_thread;
    // Create a thread to simulate the ticker
    if (pthread_create(&ticker_thread, NULL, ticker_func, NULL) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create thread\n");
        return 1;

    // Let the ticker run for about 1600 milliseconds

    // Stop the ticker
    should_continue = 0;
    // Wait for the ticker thread to finish
    pthread_join(ticker_thread, NULL);
    printf("Ticker stopped\n");
    return 0;

In this C implementation, we use POSIX threads to simulate the ticker functionality. The ticker_func runs in a separate thread and prints the current time every 500 milliseconds.

We use a volatile boolean variable should_continue to control the ticker. The main thread sleeps for 1600 milliseconds, then sets should_continue to false, effectively stopping the ticker.

To compile and run this program:

$ gcc -o tickers tickers.c -lpthread
$ ./tickers
Tick at Sun Jun 18 15:30:45 2023
Tick at Sun Jun 18 15:30:46 2023
Tick at Sun Jun 18 15:30:46 2023
Ticker stopped

When we run this program, the ticker should tick about 3 times before we stop it. The exact number of ticks may vary slightly due to system scheduling.

Note that this C implementation is a simplified version of the concept. Unlike Go’s built-in ticker, this version doesn’t guarantee exact timing intervals and doesn’t provide a way to reset or adjust the ticker while it’s running. For more precise timing in C, you might want to look into system-specific timer APIs.