Embed Directive in Chapel

Based on the provided input, here’s the translation of the Go code to Chapel, with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:

Chapel doesn’t have a direct equivalent to the embed directive, but we can simulate similar functionality using Chapel’s file I/O capabilities. Here’s how we might approach this in Chapel:

use FileSystem;
use IO;

// Chapel doesn't have an embed directive, so we'll read files at runtime
const fileString = readFile("folder/single_file.txt");
const fileByte = readFile("folder/single_file.txt").bytes();

// Function to read a file and return its contents as a string
proc readFile(filename: string): string {
  var f = open(filename, iomode.r);
  var r = f.reader();
  var content: string;
  return content;

// Function to read files from a folder
proc readFolder(pattern: string): [] string {
  var files = glob(pattern);
  var contents: [1..files.size] string;
  for (idx, file) in zip(contents.domain, files) {
    contents[idx] = readFile(file);
  return contents;

proc main() {
  // Print out the contents of 'single_file.txt'

  // Retrieve some files from the folder
  var folderContents = readFolder("folder/*.hash");
  for content in folderContents {

In this Chapel version:

  1. We use the FileSystem and IO modules for file operations.

  2. Instead of embedding files at compile time, we read them at runtime using the readFile function.

  3. We simulate the functionality of embedding multiple files using the readFolder function, which uses Chapel’s glob function to find files matching a pattern.

  4. In the main procedure, we read and print the contents of single_file.txt, and then read and print the contents of all .hash files in the folder directory.

To run this example, you would first need to create the necessary files:

$ mkdir -p folder
$ echo "hello chapel" > folder/single_file.txt
$ echo "123" > folder/file1.hash
$ echo "456" > folder/file2.hash

Then compile and run the Chapel program:

$ chpl embed-simulation.chpl
$ ./embed-simulation
hello chapel
hello chapel

Note that this Chapel version reads files at runtime, unlike the Go version which embeds files at compile time. Chapel doesn’t have a built-in mechanism for embedding files in the binary, so this runtime approach is a reasonable alternative.