Execing Processes in Chapel

Chapel provides a way to execute external processes, similar to the exec function in other languages. While Chapel doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s syscall.Exec, we can achieve similar functionality using the Spawn module.

use Spawn;
use FileSystem;

proc main() {
    // For our example we'll execute 'ls'. Chapel doesn't require an
    // absolute path to the binary we want to execute.
    var cmd = "ls";

    // Spawn.spawn requires arguments as separate strings.
    // We'll give 'ls' a few common arguments.
    var args = [cmd, "-a", "-l", "-h"];

    // Spawn.spawn doesn't directly use environment variables,
    // but we can pass them if needed using the env argument.

    // Here's the actual Spawn.spawn call. This will create a new
    // process running the 'ls' command with the specified arguments.
    var sub = spawn(cmd, args);

    // Wait for the subprocess to complete

When we run our program, it will execute the ls command:

$ chpl execing-processes.chpl
$ ./execing-processes
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 user 136B Oct 3 16:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 91 user 3.0K Oct 3 12:50 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 user 1.3K Oct 3 16:28 execing-processes.chpl

Note that Chapel doesn’t offer a classic Unix fork function or a direct replacement for syscall.Exec. Instead, it provides the Spawn module for creating and managing subprocesses, which covers most use cases for executing external processes.

In this Chapel version, we use the spawn function from the Spawn module to create a new process. Unlike the Go version, which replaces the current process with the new one, this Chapel code creates a subprocess and waits for it to complete.

The Spawn module in Chapel provides more control over subprocess execution, including the ability to capture output, set environment variables, and manage the subprocess lifecycle. For more complex scenarios, you might want to explore additional features of the Spawn module.