Http Client in Chapel

Here’s the translation of the Go HTTP client example to Chapel, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our example demonstrates how to create a simple HTTP client in Chapel. Chapel provides support for HTTP operations through its standard modules.

use IO;
use Curl;

proc main() {
    // Issue an HTTP GET request to a server.
    var curl = new Curl.CurlHandle();
    var url = "";
    var response = curl.get(url);

    // Print the HTTP response status.
    writeln("Response status: ", response.status);

    // Print the first 5 lines of the response body.
    var bodyLines = response.body.split("\n");
    for i in 1..min(5, bodyLines.size) {

In this example, we’re using Chapel’s Curl module to perform HTTP operations. Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening:

  1. We import the necessary modules: IO for input/output operations and Curl for HTTP functionality.

  2. In the main procedure, we create a new CurlHandle object, which we’ll use to make our HTTP request.

  3. We define the URL we want to request and use the get method of our CurlHandle to make a GET request to that URL.

  4. We print the status of the response using writeln.

  5. To print the first 5 lines of the response body, we split the body into lines and then iterate over the first 5 (or fewer if there are less than 5 lines).

To run this program, save it as http_client.chpl and use the Chapel compiler:

$ chpl http_client.chpl -o http_client
$ ./http_client
Response status: 200 OK
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

Note that Chapel’s HTTP capabilities may not be as extensive as some other languages, and the exact implementation might vary depending on the Chapel version and available modules. This example provides a basic illustration of making an HTTP request and processing the response in Chapel.