Sha256 Hashes in Chapel

Here’s the translated code and explanation in Chapel, formatted for Hugo:

Our first program will print the classic “hello world” message. Here’s the full source code.

use IO;

proc main() {
    writeln("hello world");

To run the program, save the code in a file with a .chpl extension (e.g., hello-world.chpl) and use the chpl compiler to compile and run it.

$ chpl hello-world.chpl -o hello-world
$ ./hello-world
hello world

In Chapel, the compilation and execution can be done in a single step using the --run flag:

$ chpl --run hello-world.chpl
hello world

Sometimes we’ll want to build our programs into binaries. We can do this using the chpl compiler without the --run flag.

$ chpl hello-world.chpl -o hello-world
$ ls
hello-world    hello-world.chpl

We can then execute the built binary directly.

$ ./hello-world
hello world

Now that we can run and build basic Chapel programs, let’s learn more about the language.

In this Chapel program:

  1. We use the IO module, which provides input/output functionality.
  2. The main() procedure is the entry point of the program.
  3. The writeln() function is used to print a line to the console.

Chapel combines the ease of use of scripting languages with the performance and scalability of traditional compiled languages, making it suitable for both small and large-scale programming tasks.