Slices in Chapel

// Slices are an important data type in Chapel, giving
// a more powerful interface to sequences than arrays.

use IO;

proc main() {
    // Unlike arrays, slices in Chapel are created using the 'new' keyword
    // and are of type 'domain'. An uninitialized domain is empty.
    var s: domain(1) = {1..0};
    writeln("uninit: ", s, " ", s.size == 0, " ", s.size == 0);

    // To create an empty domain with non-zero size, we can specify a range.
    // Here we create a domain of size 3.
    s = {1..3};
    writeln("emp: ", s, " len: ", s.size, " cap: ", s.size);

    // We can set and get elements using array notation.
    var a: [s] string;
    a[1] = "a";
    a[2] = "b";
    a[3] = "c";
    writeln("set: ", a);
    writeln("get: ", a[3]);

    // 'size' returns the length of the domain as expected.
    writeln("len: ", s.size);

    // To add elements to a domain, we can use the '+=' operator.
    s += 4..5;
    a[4] = "d";
    a[5] = "e";
    writeln("apd: ", a);

    // Domains can be copied. Here we create a new domain 'c' of the same size as 's'.
    var c = s;
    var b: [c] string = a;
    writeln("cpy: ", b);

    // Domains support slicing with the syntax domain[low..high].
    var l = s[3..5];
    writeln("sl1: ", a[l]);

    // This slices up to (but excluding) index 5.
    l = s[1..4];
    writeln("sl2: ", a[l]);

    // And this slices from index 3 to the end.
    l = s[3..];
    writeln("sl3: ", a[l]);

    // We can declare and initialize a domain and its associated array in a single line.
    var t = {1..3};
    var tArr: [t] string = ["g", "h", "i"];
    writeln("dcl: ", tArr);

    // Chapel doesn't have a built-in 'slices' module, but we can compare arrays directly.
    var t2 = {1..3};
    var t2Arr: [t2] string = ["g", "h", "i"];
    if tArr == t2Arr then
        writeln("t == t2");

    // Domains can be multi-dimensional. The size of inner domains can vary.
    var twoD: [1..3] domain(1);
    for i in 1..3 {
        twoD[i] = {1..i};
    var twoDArr: [1..3] [twoD[1..3]] int;
    for i in 1..3 {
        for j in 1..i {
            twoDArr[i][j] = i + j - 1;
    writeln("2d: ", twoDArr);

This Chapel code demonstrates concepts similar to Go’s slices, using Chapel’s domains and arrays. Here are some key points:

  1. Chapel uses domains (similar to ranges or intervals) to define the indices of arrays.
  2. The domain(1) type is used to create one-dimensional domains, which can be resized.
  3. Arrays in Chapel are declared with their associated domain, like var a: [s] string;.
  4. Chapel uses size instead of len to get the length of a domain or array.
  5. Adding elements to a domain is done with the += operator.
  6. Slicing in Chapel is done using ranges within the domain or array indices.
  7. Multi-dimensional arrays in Chapel can have varying sizes for inner dimensions.

Note that while the concepts are similar, the syntax and some specifics differ between Go and Chapel. This example aims to showcase Chapel’s equivalent features for working with sequences of data.