Title here
Summary here
Chapel offers built-in support for creating dynamic content or showing customized output to the user with the IO
module. We’ll use this module to demonstrate text template functionality similar to Go’s text/template
use IO;
proc main() {
// We can create a simple template string with placeholders
var t1 = "Value is %s\n";
// By "executing" the template we generate its text with
// specific values for its placeholders.
writef(t1, "some text");
writef(t1, 5);
writef(t1, ["Chapel", "C++", "Rust", "Go"]);
// Helper function we'll use below.
proc create(name: string, t: string) {
return t;
// If the data is a record we can use string interpolation
// to access its fields. The fields should be visible to be
// accessible when formatting.
var t2 = create("t2", "Name: %s\n");
record Person {
var name: string;
var person = new Person("Jane Doe");
writef(t2, person.name);
// The same applies to associative arrays (similar to maps in Go)
var personMap: [string] string;
personMap["Name"] = "Mickey Mouse";
writef(t2, personMap["Name"]);
// Conditional execution can be achieved using if-else statements
// in conjunction with string formatting
var t3 = create("t3", "% if %s then yes else no\n");
writef(t3, "not empty");
writef(t3, "");
// Loop through arrays using for loops and string formatting
var t4 = create("t4", "Range: %s\n");
var languages = ["Chapel", "C++", "Rust", "Go"];
var rangeStr = " ".join(languages);
writef(t4, rangeStr);
To run the program, save it as text_templates.chpl
and use the Chapel compiler:
$ chpl text_templates.chpl -o text_templates
$ ./text_templates
Value is some text
Value is 5
Value is Chapel C++ Rust Go
Name: Jane Doe
Name: Mickey Mouse
Range: Chapel C++ Rust Go
In this Chapel version:
module for input/output operations.writef
function, which is similar to C’s printf
.While Chapel doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s template package, this example demonstrates how to achieve similar text formatting and dynamic content generation using Chapel’s string manipulation and I/O capabilities.