Text Templates in Chapel

Chapel offers built-in support for creating dynamic content or showing customized output to the user with the IO module. We’ll use this module to demonstrate text template functionality similar to Go’s text/template package.

use IO;

proc main() {
    // We can create a simple template string with placeholders
    var t1 = "Value is %s\n";

    // By "executing" the template we generate its text with
    // specific values for its placeholders.
    writef(t1, "some text");
    writef(t1, 5);
    writef(t1, ["Chapel", "C++", "Rust", "Go"]);

    // Helper function we'll use below.
    proc create(name: string, t: string) {
        return t;

    // If the data is a record we can use string interpolation
    // to access its fields. The fields should be visible to be
    // accessible when formatting.
    var t2 = create("t2", "Name: %s\n");

    record Person {
        var name: string;
    var person = new Person("Jane Doe");
    writef(t2, person.name);

    // The same applies to associative arrays (similar to maps in Go)
    var personMap: [string] string;
    personMap["Name"] = "Mickey Mouse";
    writef(t2, personMap["Name"]);

    // Conditional execution can be achieved using if-else statements
    // in conjunction with string formatting
    var t3 = create("t3", "% if %s then yes else no\n");
    writef(t3, "not empty");
    writef(t3, "");

    // Loop through arrays using for loops and string formatting
    var t4 = create("t4", "Range: %s\n");
    var languages = ["Chapel", "C++", "Rust", "Go"];
    var rangeStr = " ".join(languages);
    writef(t4, rangeStr);

To run the program, save it as text_templates.chpl and use the Chapel compiler:

$ chpl text_templates.chpl -o text_templates
$ ./text_templates
Value is some text
Value is 5
Value is Chapel C++ Rust Go
Name: Jane Doe
Name: Mickey Mouse
Range: Chapel C++ Rust Go

In this Chapel version:

  1. We use the IO module for input/output operations.
  2. String formatting is done using writef function, which is similar to C’s printf.
  3. Chapel doesn’t have a built-in template system like Go, so we simulate it using string formatting.
  4. Records in Chapel are similar to structs in Go.
  5. Associative arrays in Chapel are used to demonstrate map-like behavior.
  6. Conditional execution is simulated using if-else statements in conjunction with string formatting.
  7. Looping through arrays is done using Chapel’s built-in iteration and joining capabilities.

While Chapel doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s template package, this example demonstrates how to achieve similar text formatting and dynamic content generation using Chapel’s string manipulation and I/O capabilities.