Defer in Cilk

In Cilk, there isn’t a direct equivalent to Go’s defer keyword. However, we can achieve similar functionality using try-finally blocks. Here’s how we can implement the same behavior:

#include <cilk/cilk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

FILE* createFile(const char* path) {
    FILE* f = fopen(path, "w");
    if (f == NULL) {
        perror("Error creating file");
    return f;

void writeFile(FILE* f) {
    fprintf(f, "data\n");

void closeFile(FILE* f) {
    if (fclose(f) != 0) {
        perror("Error closing file");

cilk int main() {
    FILE* f = createFile("/tmp/defer.txt");
    // We use a try-finally block to ensure the file is closed
    // even if an exception occurs during writing
    try {
    } finally {

    return 0;

In this Cilk version, we’ve made the following adaptations:

  1. We’ve used C-style file operations (fopen, fprintf, fclose) since Cilk is an extension of C.

  2. Instead of Go’s defer, we’ve used a try-finally block. The closeFile function is called in the finally block, ensuring it’s executed even if an exception occurs during writeFile.

  3. Error handling is done using C-style error checking and the perror function for printing error messages.

  4. The main function is marked with cilk to indicate it can be run in parallel, although in this example we’re not using any parallel constructs.

To run this program:

$ cilk++ -o defer defer.c
$ ./defer

This Cilk program demonstrates a pattern similar to Go’s defer, ensuring that resources (in this case, a file) are properly cleaned up when they’re no longer needed, even in the presence of errors or exceptions.