Environment Variables in Cilk

Environment variables are a universal mechanism for conveying configuration information to Unix programs. Let’s look at how to set, get, and list environment variables in Cilk.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cilk/cilk.h>

int main() {
    // To set a key/value pair, use setenv. To get a
    // value for a key, use getenv. This will return
    // NULL if the key isn't present in the environment.
    setenv("FOO", "1", 1);
    std::cout << "FOO: " << (getenv("FOO") ? getenv("FOO") : "") << std::endl;
    std::cout << "BAR: " << (getenv("BAR") ? getenv("BAR") : "") << std::endl;

    // Use environ to list all key/value pairs in the
    // environment. This is an array of strings in the
    // form KEY=value. You can iterate through it to
    // get all the keys. Here we print all the keys.
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (char **env = environ; *env != nullptr; ++env) {
        std::string pair = *env;
        size_t pos = pair.find('=');
        if (pos != std::string::npos) {
            std::cout << pair.substr(0, pos) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Running the program shows that we pick up the value for FOO that we set in the program, but that BAR is empty.

$ g++ -fcilkplus environment_variables.cpp -o environment_variables
$ ./environment_variables
FOO: 1


The list of keys in the environment will depend on your particular machine.

If we set BAR in the environment first, the running program picks that value up.

$ BAR=2 ./environment_variables
FOO: 1
BAR: 2

Note that Cilk, being an extension of C++, uses C++ standard library functions for environment variable operations. The setenv and getenv functions are part of the C standard library, which is accessible in C++. The environ variable is also a C feature that’s available in C++.

Also, Cilk doesn’t provide any specific features for handling environment variables beyond what C++ offers. The parallel programming features of Cilk are not directly applicable to this example, but could be used if you needed to process environment variables in parallel.