Xml in Cilk

#include <cilk/cilk.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <pugixml.hpp>

// Plant will be mapped to XML. We use pugixml library for XML operations.
struct Plant {
    int id;
    std::string name;
    std::vector<std::string> origin;

    std::string toString() const {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Plant id=" << id << ", name=" << name << ", origin=[";
        for (const auto& o : origin) {
            ss << o << " ";
        ss << "]";
        return ss.str();

int main() {
    Plant coffee = {27, "Coffee", {"Ethiopia", "Brazil"}};

    // Emit XML representing our plant
    pugi::xml_document doc;
    pugi::xml_node plant = doc.append_child("plant");
    plant.append_attribute("id") = coffee.id;
    for (const auto& o : coffee.origin) {

    std::stringstream ss;
    doc.save(ss, "  ");
    std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;

    // Add a generic XML header to the output
    std::cout << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" << ss.str() << std::endl;

    // Parse XML back into a Plant struct
    pugi::xml_document doc2;
    Plant p;
    p.id = doc2.child("plant").attribute("id").as_int();
    p.name = doc2.child("plant").child("name").text().get();
    for (pugi::xml_node origin = doc2.child("plant").child("origin"); origin; origin = origin.next_sibling("origin")) {
    std::cout << p.toString() << std::endl;

    // Create a nested XML structure
    Plant tomato = {81, "Tomato", {"Mexico", "California"}};

    pugi::xml_document nesting_doc;
    pugi::xml_node nesting = nesting_doc.append_child("nesting");
    pugi::xml_node parent = nesting.append_child("parent");
    pugi::xml_node child = parent.append_child("child");

    cilk_spawn [&] {
        pugi::xml_node coffee_node = child.append_child("plant");
        coffee_node.append_attribute("id") = coffee.id;
        for (const auto& o : coffee.origin) {

    cilk_spawn [&] {
        pugi::xml_node tomato_node = child.append_child("plant");
        tomato_node.append_attribute("id") = tomato.id;
        for (const auto& o : tomato.origin) {


    std::stringstream nesting_ss;
    nesting_doc.save(nesting_ss, "  ");
    std::cout << nesting_ss.str() << std::endl;

    return 0;

This Cilk code demonstrates XML handling using the pugixml library, which is a lightweight XML processing library for C++. The code structure and functionality are similar to the original example, with some adaptations to fit Cilk and C++ paradigms.

Key points:

  1. We use struct instead of Go’s type to define the Plant structure.

  2. XML operations are performed using the pugixml library instead of Go’s encoding/xml package.

  3. The MarshalIndent and Unmarshal operations are replaced with pugixml’s document creation and parsing methods.

  4. Cilk’s parallel constructs (cilk_spawn and cilk_sync) are used to demonstrate concurrent XML node creation for the nested structure.

  5. Error handling is simplified for brevity. In a production environment, you would want to add proper error checking.

  6. The toString() method is used instead of Go’s String() method for string representation of the Plant struct.

To run this program, you would need to compile it with a Cilk-compatible compiler and link it with the pugixml library. The output would be similar to the Go version, showing the XML representations of the Plant structures and the nested XML structure.