Maps in CLIPS

Based on your request, the input provides information in a combination of XML and HTML format. The desired task is to extract specific Go code and translate it into the target language, which in this example is Python. Here is the translation:

Maps are Python’s built-in associative data type (sometimes called dictionaries or dicts in Python).

def main():
    # Create an empty map using dictionary syntax
    m = {}

    # Set key/value pairs
    m["k1"] = 7
    m["k2"] = 13
    print("map:", m)

    # Get a value for a key
    v1 = m["k1"]
    print("v1:", v1)

    # If the key doesn’t exist, return the zero value (which is `None` in Python)
    v3 = m.get("k3", None)
    print("v3:", v3)

    # Get the number of key/value pairs using len
    print("len:", len(m))

    # Delete key/value pair
    del m["k2"]
    print("map:", m)

    # Remove all key/value pairs
    print("map:", m)

    # Check if a key exists in the map
    prs = "k2" in m
    print("prs:", prs)

    # Declare and initialize a new map in the same line
    n = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    print("map:", n)

    # Check if two dictionaries are equal
    n2 = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    if n == n2:
        print("n == n2")
if __name__ == "__main__":

To run the program, save the code in a file called and run it using the Python interpreter.

$ python
map: {'k1': 7, 'k2': 13}
v1: 7
v3: None
len: 2
map: {'k1': 7}
map: {}
prs: False
map: {'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}
n == n2

Now that we can run and understand basic Python programs involving dictionaries, let’s learn more about the language.