Testing And Benchmarking in CLIPS
Here’s the translation of the Go testing and benchmarking example to Java, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
Unit testing is an important part of writing principled Java programs. JUnit is a popular testing framework for Java that provides the tools we need to write unit tests.
For the sake of demonstration, this code is in a single file, but it could be split into separate files. Testing code typically lives in a separate test class file.
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class IntUtils {
// We'll be testing this simple implementation of an integer minimum.
public static int intMin(int a, int b) {
return (a < b) ? a : b;
// A test is created by writing a method with @Test annotation
void testIntMinBasic() {
int ans = IntUtils.intMin(2, -2);
// assertEquals will report test failures
assertEquals(-2, ans, "IntMin(2, -2) should be -2");
// Writing tests can be repetitive, so it's idiomatic to use
// parameterized tests, where test inputs and expected outputs
// are provided as parameters to a single test method.
"0, 1, 0",
"1, 0, 0",
"2, -2, -2",
"0, -1, -1",
"-1, 0, -1"
void testIntMinParameterized(int a, int b, int expected) {
int ans = IntUtils.intMin(a, b);
assertEquals(expected, ans,
String.format("IntMin(%d, %d) should be %d", a, b, expected));
For benchmarking in Java, we typically use a dedicated benchmarking framework like JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness). Here’s a simple example of how you might set up a benchmark:
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class IntUtilsBenchmark {
public void benchmarkIntMin() {
IntUtils.intMin(1, 2);
// To run the benchmark, you would typically use the JMH runner
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
To run the tests, you would typically use a build tool like Maven or Gradle, or you could run them directly from your IDE. Here’s an example of what the output might look like when running tests:
JUnit Jupiter > IntUtilsTest > testIntMinBasic() PASSED
JUnit Jupiter > IntUtilsTest > testIntMinParameterized(int, int, int) PASSED
[1] 0, 1, 0
[2] 1, 0, 0
[3] 2, -2, -2
[4] 0, -1, -1
[5] -1, 0, -1
Test run finished after 123 ms
[ 3 containers found ]
[ 0 containers skipped ]
[ 3 containers started ]
[ 0 containers aborted ]
[ 3 containers successful ]
[ 0 containers failed ]
[ 6 tests found ]
[ 0 tests skipped ]
[ 6 tests started ]
[ 0 tests aborted ]
[ 6 tests successful ]
[ 0 tests failed ]
For benchmarks, the output would depend on your specific JMH configuration, but it might look something like this:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
IntUtilsBenchmark.benchmarkIntMin avgt 5 2.275 ± 0.083 ns/op
This indicates that the intMin
method took an average of about 2.275 nanoseconds per operation.
Remember to always use appropriate benchmarking techniques and interpret results carefully, as micro-benchmarks can be misleading due to factors like JIT compilation and garbage collection.