Defer in Clojure

In Clojure, we don’t have a direct equivalent of Go’s defer keyword. However, we can achieve similar functionality using the try-finally construct or the with-open macro for resource management. Let’s see how we can implement the same behavior:

(ns defer-example
  (:require [ :as io]))

(defn create-file [path]
  (println "creating")
  (io/writer path))

(defn write-file [writer]
  (println "writing")
  (.write writer "data\n"))

(defn close-file [writer]
  (println "closing")
  (.close writer))

(defn main []
  (let [file-path "/tmp/defer.txt"]
      (let [writer (create-file file-path)]
          (write-file writer)
            (close-file writer))))
      (catch Exception e
        (println "Error:" (.getMessage e))
        (System/exit 1)))))


In this Clojure version:

  1. We define functions create-file, write-file, and close-file that correspond to the Go functions.

  2. Instead of using defer, we use a nested try-finally block in the main function. The finally block ensures that the file is closed, similar to how defer works in Go.

  3. We use for file operations instead of the os package in Go.

  4. Error handling is done using a try-catch block, which is more idiomatic in Clojure than Go’s explicit error checking.

To run the program:

$ clj defer_example.clj

This Clojure implementation achieves the same result as the Go version, ensuring that the file is closed after being written, even if an exception occurs during writing.

In Clojure, it’s common to use the with-open macro for resource management, which automatically closes resources. Here’s an alternative implementation using with-open:

(ns defer-example
  (:require [ :as io]))

(defn write-data [writer]
  (println "writing")
  (.write writer "data\n"))

(defn main []
  (println "creating")
  (with-open [writer (io/writer "/tmp/defer.txt")]
    (write-data writer))
  (println "closing"))


This version is more concise and automatically handles the closing of the file, similar to how defer works in Go.

Running this version would produce the same output:

$ clj defer_example.clj

Both implementations demonstrate how to achieve behavior similar to Go’s defer in Clojure, using either explicit try-finally blocks or the with-open macro for resource management.