Directories in Clojure
Here’s the translation of the Go code to Clojure, along with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:
Clojure provides several useful functions for working with directories in the file system.
(ns directories
(:require [ :as io])
(:import ( File)
(java.nio.file Files Paths)))
(defn check [e]
(when e
(throw (Exception. e))))
(defn create-empty-file [name]
(spit name ""))
(defn main []
; Create a new sub-directory in the current working directory.
(.mkdir (io/file "subdir"))
; When creating temporary directories, it's good practice to delete them
; when done. In Clojure, we can use `try` with `finally` for cleanup.
; Helper function to create a new empty file.
(create-empty-file "subdir/file1")
; We can create a hierarchy of directories, including parents.
; This is similar to the command-line `mkdir -p`.
(.mkdirs (io/file "subdir/parent/child"))
(create-empty-file "subdir/parent/file2")
(create-empty-file "subdir/parent/file3")
(create-empty-file "subdir/parent/child/file4")
; `file-seq` lists directory contents recursively.
(println "Listing subdir/parent")
(doseq [file (file-seq (io/file "subdir/parent"))]
(println " " (.getName file) (.isDirectory file)))
; `chdir` in Clojure is done by setting the user.dir system property
(System/setProperty "user.dir" "subdir/parent/child")
; Now we'll see the contents of `subdir/parent/child`
; when listing the current directory.
(println "Listing current directory")
(doseq [file (file-seq (io/file "."))]
(println " " (.getName file) (.isDirectory file)))
; Change back to where we started.
(System/setProperty "user.dir" "../../..")
; We can also visit a directory recursively, including all its sub-directories.
(println "Visiting subdir")
(doseq [file (file-seq (io/file "subdir"))]
(println " " (.getPath file) (.isDirectory file)))
; Clean up: delete the subdirectory and all its contents
(doseq [file (reverse (file-seq (io/file "subdir")))]
(.delete file)))))
To run the program, save it as directories.clj
and use:
$ clj directories.clj
Listing subdir/parent
parent true
child true
file2 false
file3 false
file4 false
Listing current directory
. true
file4 false
Visiting subdir
subdir true
subdir/file1 false
subdir/parent true
subdir/parent/child true
subdir/parent/child/file4 false
subdir/parent/file2 false
subdir/parent/file3 false
This Clojure code demonstrates working with directories, including creating directories, listing contents, changing the current working directory, and walking directory trees. Note that Clojure, being a JVM language, uses Java’s file I/O capabilities under the hood.
The file-seq
function is used to recursively list directory contents, which is similar to filepath.WalkDir
in the original example. The try
block is used to ensure cleanup of the temporary directory, mimicking the defer
functionality in the original code.
Remember that in a real-world scenario, you might want to add more error handling and use more idiomatic Clojure constructs for better performance and readability.