Http Client in Clojure

Here’s the translation of the Go HTTP client example to Clojure, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our example demonstrates how to create a simple HTTP client in Clojure. We’ll use the clj-http library, which provides excellent support for HTTP clients.

(ns http-client-example
  (:require [clj-http.client :as client]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn main []
  ;; Issue an HTTP GET request to a server. The `client/get` function
  ;; is a convenient way to make a GET request. It returns a map
  ;; containing the response.
  (let [response (client/get "")]
    ;; Print the HTTP response status.
    (println "Response status:" (:status response))
    ;; Print the first 5 lines of the response body.
    (->> (str/split-lines (:body response))
         (take 5)
         (run! println)))
  ;; Error handling is done via exceptions in clj-http.
  ;; Any HTTP errors will throw an exception.


To run this program, you’ll need to have Clojure and the clj-http library installed. You can add clj-http to your project dependencies or use a tool like Leiningen to manage dependencies.

Here’s what you might see when you run this program:

$ clj -M http-client.clj
Response status: 200
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Go by Example</title>

This example demonstrates several key points:

  1. We use the clj-http library to make HTTP requests. It’s a popular choice for HTTP clients in Clojure.

  2. The client/get function is used to make a GET request. It returns a map containing the response details.

  3. We can easily access the response status and body from the response map.

  4. To print the first 5 lines of the body, we split the body into lines, take the first 5, and print each one.

  5. Error handling in clj-http is done via exceptions. Any HTTP errors will cause an exception to be thrown, which you can catch and handle as needed.

This Clojure code provides similar functionality to the original example, showcasing how to make HTTP requests and process the responses in a idiomatic Clojure style.