Sorting in Clojure

Our example demonstrates sorting in Clojure. We’ll look at sorting for built-in types first.

(ns sorting-example
  (:require [clojure.core.protocols :as protocols]))

(defn main []
  ;; Sorting functions in Clojure work for any collection of
  ;; comparable elements.
  (let [strs ["c" "a" "b"]]
    (println "Strings:" (sort strs)))

  ;; An example of sorting numbers.
  (let [nums [7 2 4]]
    (println "Numbers:" (sort nums)))

  ;; We can also check if a sequence is already in sorted order.
  (let [nums [2 4 7]]
    (println "Sorted:" (protocols/sorted? nums))))


In Clojure, sorting is primarily done using the sort function, which works on any collection of comparable elements. The sorted? function from the clojure.core.protocols namespace can be used to check if a sequence is already sorted.

To run the program, save it in a file (e.g., sorting_example.clj) and use the Clojure CLI or REPL to execute it.

$ clj sorting_example.clj
Strings: ("a" "b" "c")
Numbers: (2 4 7)
Sorted: true

Clojure’s sorting functions are powerful and flexible. They work with various data structures and can be customized with comparator functions for more complex sorting scenarios.