Title here
Summary here
Clojure offers excellent support for string formatting. Here are some examples of common string formatting tasks.
(ns string-formatting
(:require [clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defrecord Point [x y])
(defn main []
;; Clojure offers several printing functions designed to
;; format general Clojure values. For example, this prints
;; an instance of our Point record.
(let [p (->Point 1 2)]
(println "record1:" p)
;; The `pprint` function provides more detailed output,
;; including the record's field names.
(println "record2:")
(pp/pprint p)
;; To print the type of a value, use `type`.
(println "type:" (type p))
;; Formatting booleans is straightforward.
(println "bool:" true)
;; There are many options for formatting integers.
;; Use `str` for standard formatting.
(println "int:" (str 123))
;; This prints a binary representation.
(println "bin:" (Integer/toBinaryString 14))
;; This prints the character corresponding to the given integer.
(println "char:" (char 33))
;; Use `format` with "%x" for hex encoding.
(println "hex:" (format "%x" 456))
;; There are also several formatting options for floats.
;; For basic decimal formatting use `str`.
(println "float1:" (str 78.9))
;; Use `format` with "%e" and "%E" for scientific notation.
(println "float2:" (format "%e" 123400000.0))
(println "float3:" (format "%E" 123400000.0))
;; For basic string printing, just use the string directly.
(println "str1:" "\"string\"")
;; To print a representation of a pointer (which doesn't exist in Clojure),
;; we can print the hash code of the object instead.
(println "hash:" (hash p))
;; When formatting numbers you will often want to control the width
;; and precision of the resulting figure. Use `format` for this.
(println "width1:" (format "|%6d|%6d|" 12 345))
;; You can also specify the width of printed floats.
(println "width2:" (format "|%6.2f|%6.2f|" 1.2 3.45))
;; To left-justify, use the "-" flag.
(println "width3:" (format "|%-6.2f|%-6.2f|" 1.2 3.45))
;; You may also want to control width when formatting strings.
(println "width4:" (format "|%6s|%6s|" "foo" "b"))
;; To left-justify use the "-" flag as with numbers.
(println "width5:" (format "|%-6s|%-6s|" "foo" "b"))
;; `format` in Clojure works similarly to `sprintf` in other languages.
(let [s (format "format: a %s" "string")]
(println s))
;; You can format and print to other output streams using
;; `binding` with `*out*`.
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "io: an error"))))
To run the program, save it as string_formatting.clj
and use clojure
$ clojure string_formatting.clj
record1: #string_formatting.Point{:x 1, :y 2}
#string_formatting.Point{:x 1, :y 2}
type: string_formatting.Point
bool: true
int: 123
bin: 1110
char: !
hex: 1c8
float1: 78.9
float2: 1.234000e+08
float3: 1.234000E+08
str1: "string"
hash: 1234567 ; This will be a different number each time
width1: | 12| 345|
width2: | 1.20| 3.45|
width3: |1.20 |3.45 |
width4: | foo| b|
width5: |foo |b |
format: a string
io: an error
This Clojure code demonstrates various string formatting techniques. While Clojure doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s fmt.Printf
, it provides similar functionality through the format
function and other built-in functions. The clojure.pprint
namespace is used for pretty-printing complex data structures.