Title here
Summary here
Here’s the translation of the URL parsing example from Go to Clojure, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
Our URL parsing program demonstrates how to parse and extract different components from a URL string in Clojure.
(ns url-parsing
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import (java.net URI)))
(defn main []
; We'll parse this example URL, which includes a
; scheme, authentication info, host, port, path,
; query params, and query fragment.
(let [s "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f"
; Parse the URL and ensure there are no errors.
uri (URI. s)]
; Accessing the scheme is straightforward.
(println (.getScheme uri))
; userInfo contains all authentication info
(let [user-info (.getUserInfo uri)]
(println user-info)
(when user-info
(let [[username password] (str/split user-info #":")]
(println username)
(println password))))
; The Host contains both the hostname and the port,
; if present. We can extract them separately.
(println (.getHost uri))
(println (.getPort uri))
; Here we extract the path and the fragment after
; the #.
(println (.getPath uri))
(println (.getFragment uri))
; To get query params in a string of k=v format,
; use getRawQuery. You can also parse query params
; into a map.
(println (.getRawQuery uri))
(let [query (.getQuery uri)
params (when query
(into {}
(for [param (str/split query #"&")]
(str/split param #"="))))]
(println params)
(println (get params "k")))))
Running our URL parsing program shows all the different pieces that we extracted:
$ clj url_parsing.clj
{"k" "v"}
In this Clojure version:
class to parse the URL, which provides similar functionality to Go’s url.Parse
object.Note that Clojure, being a JVM language, leverages Java’s built-in URI parsing capabilities. This approach might differ slightly from Go’s implementation but achieves the same result of parsing and extracting URL components.