This Clojure implementation uses the core.async library to create a worker pool similar to the original example. Here’s a breakdown of the changes:
We use ns to define our namespace and require the core.async library.
The worker function is defined using defn and uses go-loop to create a process that continuously reads from the jobs channel and writes to the results channel.
Instead of goroutines, we use core.async’s go blocks, which provide similar concurrency semantics in Clojure.
Channels are created using async/chan instead of make(chan).
We use dotimes to start the workers and send jobs, which is similar to the for loops in the original example.
Channel operations use async/<!! and async/>!! for blocking reads and writes, and async/<! and async/>! for non-blocking operations inside go blocks.
We use Thread/sleep instead of time.Sleep to simulate work.
The overall structure and behavior of the program remain the same, demonstrating how to implement a worker pool using Clojure’s concurrency primitives.