Title here
Summary here
Our example will demonstrate how to use coarray features in Fortran for concurrent programming. Here’s the full source code:
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int8, sleep
implicit none
call execute_concurrently()
subroutine execute_concurrently()
character(len=*), parameter :: msg1 = "direct", msg2 = "coarray", msg3 = "anonymous"
integer :: i
! Synchronous execution
call print_message(msg1)
! Asynchronous execution using coarray
call print_message_coarray(msg2)
! Asynchronous execution with anonymous subroutine
call print_anonymous("going")
! Wait for all coarrays to complete (simulate WaitGroup)
call sleep(1, int8)
print *, "done"
end subroutine execute_concurrently
subroutine print_message(from)
character(len=*) :: from
integer :: i
do i = 0, 2
print *, from, ':', i
end do
end subroutine print_message
subroutine print_message_coarray(from)
character(len=*) :: from
integer :: i
character(len=*), codimension[*] :: messages[*]
messages[my_image()] = from
sync all
do i = 0, 2
print *, messages[1], ':', i
end do
end subroutine print_message_coarray
subroutine print_anonymous(msg)
character(len=*) :: msg
character(len=*), codimension[*] :: message[*]
message[my_image()] = msg
sync all
print *, message[1]
end subroutine print_anonymous
end program main
To run this program, compile and execute it with a Fortran compiler supporting coarrays. The program demonstrates both synchronous and asynchronous message printing using coarrays.
Here is how to compile and run the code:
$ gfortran -fcoarray=single -o coarrays coarrays.f90
$ ./coarrays
direct : 0
direct : 1
direct : 2
coarray : 0
anonymous : 0
anonymous : 1
anonymous : 2
This output shows the messages printed, with the asynchronous calls finishing after the synchronous ones.