Reading Files in Co-array Fortran
Our first example demonstrates how to read files in Co-array Fortran. Reading files is a basic task needed for many programs. Let’s look at several ways to read files.
program read_files
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
character(len=100) :: filename = '/tmp/dat'
integer :: unit, io_status
character(len=100) :: buffer
integer :: bytes_read
! Read entire file contents
call read_entire_file(filename)
! Open the file for reading
open(newunit=unit, file=filename, status='old', action='read', iostat=io_status)
if (io_status /= 0) then
print *, "Error opening file"
end if
! Read first 5 bytes
read(unit, '(A5)', advance='no', iostat=io_status) buffer
if (io_status == 0) then
print '(A,A)', "5 bytes: ", buffer
end if
! Seek to a specific position and read
read(unit, '(A)', pos=7) buffer
print '(A,A)', "2 bytes @ 6: ", buffer(1:2)
! Read using inquire for more control
inquire(unit, pos=current_pos)
read(unit, '(A)', pos=current_pos+5) buffer
print '(A,A)', "Next 2 bytes: ", buffer(1:2)
! Use internal read for parsing
buffer = "12345"
read(buffer, *) bytes_read
print '(A,I0)', "Parsed number: ", bytes_read
! Close the file
subroutine read_entire_file(filename)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: unit, io_status
character(len=1000) :: content
open(newunit=unit, file=filename, status='old', action='read', iostat=io_status)
if (io_status /= 0) then
print *, "Error opening file"
end if
read(unit, '(A)', iostat=io_status) content
if (io_status == 0) then
print *, trim(content)
end if
end subroutine read_entire_file
end program read_files
This program demonstrates various file reading operations in Co-array Fortran:
We start by reading the entire contents of a file using a subroutine
.Then we open the file and perform several read operations:
- Read the first 5 bytes.
- Seek to a specific position (7th byte) and read from there.
- Use
to get the current position and read from a relative position.
We also demonstrate using internal read for parsing string data.
Finally, we close the file.
To run the program, compile it and execute:
$ gfortran -coarray=single read_files.f90 -o read_files
$ echo "hello" > /tmp/dat
$ echo "fortran" >> /tmp/dat
$ ./read_files
5 bytes: hello
2 bytes @ 6: fo
Next 2 bytes: tr
Parsed number: 12345
This example showcases basic file operations in Co-array Fortran. While Co-array Fortran doesn’t have exact equivalents for all Go features (like bufio
), it provides robust file I/O capabilities through standard Fortran procedures.