Title here
Summary here
Go’s structs are typed collections of fields. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records.
program structs
implicit none
type :: person
character(len=100) :: name
integer :: age
end type person
! Function to create a new person
type(person) function newPerson(name) result(p)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
p%name = name
p%age = 42
end function newPerson
! Variables declaration
type(person) :: p
type(person), pointer :: pp
! Create and print new person records
call printPerson(person('Bob', 20))
call printPerson(person('Alice', 30))
call printPerson(person('Fred', 0))
! Create and print a pointer to a new person
pp => person('Ann', 40)
call printPersonPtr(pp)
! Use constructor function to create and print new person
pp => newPerson('Jon')
call printPersonPtr(pp)
! Access struct fields and demonstrate mutability
p = person('Sean', 50)
print *, p%name
pp => p
print *, pp%age
! Modify the age field
pp%age = 51
print *, pp%age
! Anonymous struct example, useful for table-driven tests
call printDog('Rex', .true.)
! Subroutine to print person details
subroutine printPerson(p)
type(person), intent(in) :: p
print *, p
end subroutine printPerson
! Subroutine to print details of a person pointer
subroutine printPersonPtr(pp)
type(person), pointer :: pp
print *, pp
end subroutine printPersonPtr
! Subroutine to print dog details
subroutine printDog(name, isGood)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
logical, intent(in) :: isGood
type, bind(c) :: dog
character(len=100) :: name
logical :: isGood
end type dog
type(dog) :: d
d%name = name
d%isGood = isGood
print *, d
end subroutine printDog
end program structs
To run the program, compile it with your Fortran compiler and then execute it.
$ gfortran structs.f90 -o structs
$ ./structs
Bob 20
Alice 30
Fred 0
Ann 40
Jon 42
Rex T
Structs in Fortran are similar to those in other languages, allowing you to group related data together. The concept of pointers and constructors can also be leveraged to work with these structures more efficiently.
Next example: Methods.