Worker Pools in Co-array Fortran
module worker_module
use iso_fortran_env, only: int32, real32
implicit none
type :: job_type
integer(int32) :: id
real(real32) :: result
end type job_type
subroutine worker(id, jobs, results)
integer(int32), intent(in) :: id
type(job_type), intent(inout) :: jobs[*]
type(job_type), intent(inout) :: results[*]
integer(int32) :: j
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
j = jobs[1]%id
if (j == 0) exit
jobs[1]%id = 0
end if
sync all
if (j /= 0) then
print *, "worker", id, "started job", j
call sleep(1)
print *, "worker", id, "finished job", j
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
results[1]%id = j
results[1]%result = real(j * 2)
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine worker
end module worker_module
program worker_pools
use worker_module
use iso_fortran_env, only: int32
implicit none
integer(int32), parameter :: num_jobs = 5
type(job_type) :: jobs[*], results[*]
integer(int32) :: i
if (num_images() < 4) error stop "This program requires at least 4 images"
! Initialize jobs
if (this_image() == 1) then
do i = 1, num_jobs
jobs[1]%id = i
end do
end if
! Start workers
if (this_image() > 1 .and. this_image() <= 4) then
call worker(this_image() - 1, jobs, results)
end if
! Collect results
if (this_image() == 1) then
do i = 1, num_jobs
sync all
print *, "Job", results[1]%id, "result:", results[1]%result
end do
! Signal workers to finish
jobs[1]%id = 0
sync all
end if
end program worker_pools
In this example, we implement a worker pool using Co-array Fortran’s parallel execution model. Here’s how it works:
We define a
to represent jobs and results.The
subroutine simulates processing jobs. It uses synchronization (sync all
) to coordinate access to shared data.In the main program, we use image 1 as the coordinator and images 2-4 as workers.
Jobs are initialized on image 1 and workers (images 2-4) process these jobs concurrently.
Results are collected on image 1 and printed.
After all jobs are processed, we signal the workers to finish by setting
to 0.
To run this program, you would compile it with a Co-array Fortran compiler and execute it with multiple images. For example:
$ caf worker_pools.f90 -o worker_pools
$ cafrun -np 4 ./worker_pools
This program demonstrates parallel execution in Co-array Fortran, simulating a worker pool where multiple workers process jobs concurrently. The exact output may vary due to the parallel nature of the execution, but it will show jobs being processed by different workers concurrently.
Note that Co-array Fortran uses a different concurrency model compared to other languages. Instead of explicit threads or goroutines, it uses the concept of images that run in parallel, with each image capable of accessing data on other images through co-arrays.