The filesystem library in C++17 provides functions to parse and construct file paths in a way that is portable between operating systems; dir/file on Linux vs. dir\file on Windows, for example.
To run the program, compile the code and use the resulting executable.
Note that the output might vary slightly depending on the operating system due to different path representations.
In C++, we use the filesystem library which provides similar functionality to Go’s filepath package. The fs::path class is used to represent and manipulate file paths. The / operator is overloaded to join path components, similar to filepath.Join in Go.
Methods like parent_path(), filename(), is_absolute(), extension(), and stem() correspond to Go’s Dir(), Base(), IsAbs(), Ext(), and the combination of Base() and removing the extension.
The lexically_relative() method in C++ is similar to Go’s Rel() function, finding the relative path between two paths.
Remember to compile with C++17 or later to use the filesystem library, and link against the appropriate library (you might need to add -lstdc++fs to your compile command on some systems).