Exit in Crystal

Here’s an idiomatic Crystal example that demonstrates the concept of exiting a program:

# Exit demonstrates how to immediately terminate a program with a given status code

# The 'at_exit' hook will not be executed when using 'exit'
at_exit do
  puts "This will not be printed!"

# Print a message before exiting
puts "Exiting the program..."

# Exit with status code 3

# This line will never be reached
puts "This will not be printed either!"

This Crystal program demonstrates how to use the exit method to immediately terminate a program with a specified status code. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We use the at_exit hook to register a block of code that should run when the program exits normally. However, this block will not be executed when using exit.

  2. We print a message to inform the user that the program is about to exit.

  3. The exit(3) call immediately terminates the program with a status code of 3. Any code after this line will not be executed.

To run this program:

  1. Save the code in a file named exit_example.cr.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the file.
  3. Compile and run the code using the Crystal compiler:
$ crystal exit_example.cr
Exiting the program...

To build a binary and check the exit status:

$ crystal build exit_example.cr
$ ./exit_example
Exiting the program...
$ echo $?

Note that the message “This will not be printed!” from the at_exit hook is never displayed, as exit bypasses normal program termination.

In Crystal, unlike some other languages, the main function’s return value is not used to determine the exit status. Instead, you should use the exit method to set a non-zero exit status explicitly.

This example showcases Crystal’s simplicity in handling program termination and demonstrates how to use the exit method effectively in your Crystal programs.