Multiple Return Values in Crystal

Crystal has built-in support for multiple return values. This feature is used often in idiomatic Crystal, for example to return both result and error values from a function.

The {Int32, Int32} in this function signature shows that the function returns 2 Int32s.

def vals : {Int32, Int32}
  return {3, 7}

Here’s how we use the function:

def main
  # Here we use the 2 different return values from the
  # call with multiple assignment.
  a, b = vals
  puts a
  puts b

  # If you only want a subset of the returned values,
  # use the underscore _ as a placeholder.
  _, c = vals
  puts c


When you run this program, you’ll see:

$ crystal run

In Crystal, you can return multiple values from a function by wrapping them in curly braces {}, which creates a tuple. When calling such a function, you can use multiple assignment to easily capture all returned values, or use the underscore _ to ignore specific values.

This feature is particularly useful when you need to return multiple pieces of information from a function, such as a result and an error status, or when you want to return multiple processed values from a single operation.

Next, we’ll look at how Crystal handles functions with a variable number of arguments.