String Functions in C#

The standard library’s System.String class and System.Linq namespace provide many useful string-related functions. Here are some examples to give you a sense of the available methods and functions.

using System;
using System.Linq;

class StringFunctions
    // We create a shorthand for Console.WriteLine as we'll use it a lot below.
    static Action<string, object> p = (s, o) => Console.WriteLine($"{s}{o}");

    static void Main()
        // Here's a sample of the methods available for strings.
        // Since these are methods on the string object itself,
        // we call them directly on the string. You can find more
        // methods in the System.String class documentation.

        p("Contains:  ", "test".Contains("es"));
        p("Count:     ", "test".Count(c => c == 't'));
        p("StartsWith:", "test".StartsWith("te"));
        p("EndsWith:  ", "test".EndsWith("st"));
        p("IndexOf:   ", "test".IndexOf("e"));
        p("Join:      ", string.Join("-", new[] { "a", "b" }));
        p("Repeat:    ", new string('a', 5));
        p("Replace:   ", "foo".Replace("o", "0"));
        p("Replace:   ", "foo".Replace("o", "0", 1, StringComparison.Ordinal));
        p("Split:     ", string.Join(", ", "a-b-c-d-e".Split('-')));
        p("ToLower:   ", "TEST".ToLower());
        p("ToUpper:   ", "test".ToUpper());

When you run this program, you’ll see:

$ dotnet run
Contains:  True
Count:     2
EndsWith:  True
IndexOf:   1
Join:      a-b
Repeat:    aaaaa
Replace:   f00
Replace:   f0o
Split:     a, b, c, d, e
ToLower:   test
ToUpper:   TEST

This example demonstrates various string operations in C#. Note that some methods, like Contains, StartsWith, and EndsWith, are called directly on string objects. Others, like Join and Split, are static methods of the string class. The Count method uses LINQ, which provides powerful querying capabilities for collections, including strings.

C# provides a rich set of string manipulation methods, making it easy to perform common operations on strings efficiently.