Http Client in D Programming Language

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Client example from Go to D:

Our example demonstrates how to use D’s standard library to create an HTTP client and make simple HTTP requests.

import std.stdio;
import std.array;

void main()
    // Issue an HTTP GET request to a server. We use the get function
    // from, which is a convenient way to make HTTP requests.
        auto content = get("");

        // Print the HTTP response status.
        writeln("Response status: 200 OK");

        // Print the first 5 lines of the response body.
        auto lines = content.split("\n");
        foreach (line; lines[0 .. 5])
    catch (CurlException e)
        // Handle any network-related errors
        writeln("Error: ", e.msg);

To run the program, save it as http_client.d and use the D compiler:

$ dmd http_client.d
$ ./http_client
Response status: 200 OK
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Go by Example</title>

This D program demonstrates how to make an HTTP GET request and process the response. Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening:

  1. We import the necessary modules: std.stdio for input/output operations, for HTTP functionality, and std.array for array operations.

  2. In the main function, we use the get function from to make an HTTP GET request to “”.

  3. If the request is successful, we print the response status (hardcoded as “200 OK” in this example, as D’s curl wrapper doesn’t provide direct access to the status code in the same way).

  4. We then split the response content into lines and print the first 5 lines.

  5. Error handling is done using a try-catch block. If there’s a network-related error, it will be caught as a CurlException.

This example showcases D’s built-in HTTP client capabilities, demonstrating how to make requests and process responses in a straightforward manner.